We thought about riding our bikes from Jackson to Jenny Lake near the Moose entry to the Grand Teton National Park…and then regained our senses and decided to drive about half way making our bike trip about 10 miles round trip. We didn’t train before this trip and are still amazed that we are putting in 8 to 16 miles on these bike rides. We heartily recommend biking….I’m new to riding a bike over 3 or 4 miles at a time….Terry has a friend who rides 50 miles at a time…..long distance riding…word to the wise, get the right bike, the right padded seat cover and the right bike pants.
We rode on a paved trail through meadows of golden grasses and purple and yellow wildflowers at the base of the Teton Mountain Range framed by a crystal blue sky….this beauty is here every day, long before us and will be here long after us…. I’m a convert….never having been much out an outdoor gal as an adult…..I will be adding hiking and biking as things I enjoy and recommend.
Jenny Lake, named after a Shoshone Indiana woman who married an Englishman, Richard “Beaver Dick” Leigh is 12,000 years and 423 feet deep and encompasses over 1,100 acres. It and Jackson Lake are major focal points in the park with hiking trails and boat rides.
We followed a trail to the edge of the lake and watched tourists in canoes….some narrowly missing each other, just like the parking lot at Bashas’s Market!