John Muir, founder of the Sierra Club, wrote, “Everyone needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where Nature may heal and cheer and give strength to body and soul alike”. John’s observation is more relevant than ever….get out and enjoy nature, even if it is in own garden! Continue reading Yosemite – John Muir’s Legacy
Tag Archives: featured
Why Iceland?
Terry has wanted to go to Iceland for three years. We went for an eight day photography workshop. I began to write our post describing our experiences using words and phrases like otherworldly, stunning, wondrous , dream-like, and lunar landscape…but I failed to put into words the vastness, the beauty and why our breath was taken away by this land. Continue reading Why Iceland?
When did I agree to get up???
Photography is all about natural light. Mid-day light is the worst. Sunrise and Sunset is the best. Of course that means I will have to accommodate the timetable of the sun, the sun will not accommodate me. Continue reading When did I agree to get up???