All posts by Terry Harrison

Iceland Workshop

Being here is a study of sharp contrasts.  All four basic elements – earth, air, fire and water – are demonstrated by this land in extreme ways. Steam escapes the earth’s crust between lava rocks in barren fields; active and inactive volcanoes rise from empty, treeless horizons; towering waterfalls indiscriminately punch their way through moss green rock walls in glacier-cut fjords; icy roaring rivers race to the sea while white ocean waves lap lazily against black sand beaches. Continue reading Iceland Workshop

Copenhagen, Denmark

I pulled a fast one.  Generally I follow the rules, this morning I decided to break a big one.

There are over two thousand guests disembarking from two ships this morning Copenhagen. From our balcony I see there are a limited number of taxis to the city and airport.   We were told we may have to wait up to two hours for transportation after our cabin number was called to disembark. Continue reading Copenhagen, Denmark